yes this game is worth buying this is probably one of the best ww2 multiplayer game to be released this year not usre why this web site has not got its own game title as i think it will be just as big as battlefield and cod once released in europe that is
the only thing i will say it needs a patch but then what game doesnt but gather it will be out soon but this game is a must buy
as grounforce1 has not give this game yet its own topic page even though its the best ww2 multiplayer on line wink wink nudge nudge red orchistra now has a patch released for it not bad hey seeing cod 2 still has no patch still has cheats and the maps are soooooooo small and tedious
its got loads of servers and players now alot of people playing it and its released in europe in a few weeks time so it will get bigger and as for cod 2 well that needs to have a good patch for it to improve it so wait and see but can see more people end up playing red orchistra because its how a ww2 multiplayer game should be and yeah some of the tank maps are not as good as infantry but then it was the same in cod uo you either like tank maps or you ddnt but i think the tanks are better than cod uo in cod uo they look like tonka toys in ro they look and feel like tanks big improvment
the game play is the same as cod 2 and medal of honour accept in ro u can have weapon shot out of your hand also supply your comrad with some of your bullits if there running low and its just as easy to kill as cod 2 is widow m8 its worth getting trust me
didnt like DOD boring concept of capture the flag zzzzzzzzz like a real challenge
not sure if they will releae a demo but the game only cost me 17.00 english pounds which is not alot these days the only thing i will say against it is the bugs they brought one patch out but one htinks its gonna take quite a few to get it right
I know this is an old topic, but I'll chime in. I bought RO about 3 weeks ago, and I've had the most fun playing a game since the MOHAA demo days. Matches are very fast-paced and intense, and even some pub maps can get pretty interesting at times. It's definitely worth a look.