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Default Eugenics - 04-24-2006, 02:25 PM

watched this thing about hitler and the occult last night and it talked quite a bit about it.
^^ interesting shit there about how it was suggested as far back as plato.

also , in the documentary they talked about how in the early 30s it was practiced in some us states with the crazy , handicapped , etc.

thoughts ?
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Default 04-24-2006, 02:47 PM

Yeah Bernard Shaw was a eugenicist. Some of his plays are based on that theme.
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Stammer is Offline
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Default 04-24-2006, 02:53 PM

Wouldn' eventually overtime the people who have been selectively breed will end up being so closely related that you'll see the same genetic problems you see in children born of incest?

Plus the biological diversity of the human race is what has kept us alive, because not every population is afflicted by certain diseases. Eugenics kills biological diversity leaving said population at greater risk for having horrible epidemics that would wipe enormous swatches of it's population out.
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Default 04-24-2006, 03:02 PM

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Default 04-24-2006, 03:28 PM

i dont see the connection between selective breeding and inbreeding. nor do i see the connection between diversity and survival. i guess the assumption is that there are enough people "fit" to breed that "close-relation" would not be a problem. i think its also suggested that the couple "fit" to breed produce as many offspring as possible. if done, there would be more than enough people to remain diverse. im thinking that by breeding only those fit to breed , you would greatly reduce the number of people with physical deformities , ailments , etc.

sounds like a great idea but im way too compasionate to fully support it. one report of someone losing someone , or being killed , or wtfever and id never be able to support it.
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Default 04-24-2006, 03:34 PM

if we dont have genetic diversity, then we eventually develop a genetic bottle neck, which lessons our ability to adapt to natural selection. say a crtain disease crops up that only affatcs people lacking gene "C". If we have a genetic bottleneck and nobody has gene "C", then the disease kills everyone and species dies.
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Default 04-24-2006, 05:14 PM

I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:7774f] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.[/quote:7774f]

In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...
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Default 04-24-2006, 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by Trunks
I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:b3629] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...[/quote:b3629]
who would they make fun of? Oh wait, the next gen would hit us. Then what?
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Default 04-24-2006, 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Trunks
I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:6e32d] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...
who would they make fun of? Oh wait, the next gen would hit us. Then what?[/quote:6e32d]....if you are saying that the next gen will be more improved than we are.....then I say that i believe with enough research it may be possible to GE somebody after birth.... Of course, we will never actually know, if we continue to have leaders who cut science funding, in exchange for raising the defense budget 41% since they were in office(highest since reagan adminstration....of course there is a little fact that the reagan administration was preparing for a nuclear war with an opposing superpower.) I mean seriously, South korea has accomplished more than the US has in the field of genetics....
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Default 04-24-2006, 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Trunks
I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:3ec9f] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...
who would they make fun of? Oh wait, the next gen would hit us. Then what?
....if you are saying that the next gen will be more improved than we are.....then I say that i believe with enough research it may be possible to GE somebody after birth.... Of course, we will never actually know, if we continue to have leaders who cut science funding, in exchange for raising the defense budget 41% since they were in office(highest since reagan adminstration....of course there is a little fact that the reagan administration was preparing for a nuclear war with an opposing superpower.) I mean seriously, South korea has accomplished more than the US has in the field of genetics....[/quote:3ec9f]
Bsuh is the first president to allow federal funding for stem cell research. Die in a fire. And dont pull that defense budget shit on me. The scientific research budget may have been decreased in terms of percent per year, but it recieves that money every year, whereas the defesne budget gets paid once, with permanent fixtures in place.
Scientific research spending: "We get X Billion dollars a year to fund ongoing research"
Military Budget: "We get X billion dollars once, buy all new equipment, weapons, etc, and then um... Well we're pretty much done for the next 10-15 years"
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Default 04-24-2006, 05:51 PM

Eugenics is awesome.
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Default 04-24-2006, 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Trunks
I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:7fbfa] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...
who would they make fun of? Oh wait, the next gen would hit us. Then what?
....if you are saying that the next gen will be more improved than we are.....then I say that i believe with enough research it may be possible to GE somebody after birth.... Of course, we will never actually know, if we continue to have leaders who cut science funding, in exchange for raising the defense budget 41% since they were in office(highest since reagan adminstration....of course there is a little fact that the reagan administration was preparing for a nuclear war with an opposing superpower.) I mean seriously, South korea has accomplished more than the US has in the field of genetics....
Bsuh is the first president to allow federal funding for stem cell research. Die in a fire. And dont pull that defense budget shit on me. The scientific research budget may have been decreased in terms of percent per year, but it recieves that money every year, whereas the defesne budget gets paid once, with permanent fixtures in place.
Scientific research spending: "We get X Billion dollars a year to fund ongoing research"
Military Budget: "We get X billion dollars once, buy all new equipment, weapons, etc, and then um... Well we're pretty much done for the next 10-15 years"[/quote:7fbfa]Don't make me laugh. You dont think that defense department has it's ongoing projects? LOL. And I assure you my friend, they are far better supplied/funded. And if anything, Bush has limited stem cell funding. Then again, stem cells is a fairly new field, I doubt they could do very much with it 6 or so years back anywho. Fast forward 6 years, singapore already has a ban on human cloning....Heh...makes you wonder what exactly happened doesn't it? Im not gonna get into an arguement about bush's policies in a eugenics topic. However, if you ever feel like arguing, pm me. Arguing with bush loving, bible thumping, crack pot conservatives is what I do best.
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Default 04-24-2006, 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by "Trunks":b357b
I guess I'm a eugenist, at least somewhat, because I believe in genetic engineering/enhancement.
[quote:b357b] Proposed means of achieving these goals most commonly include prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, selective breeding, In vitro fertilisation, and genetic engineering.
In all seriousness, why wouldn't anybody be a eugenist? I see nothing wrong with improving everyones chances to succeed. Imagine a world where nobody is overweight, or underweight, blind or deaf, ugly or suffering from down syndrome...
who would they make fun of? Oh wait, the next gen would hit us. Then what?
....if you are saying that the next gen will be more improved than we are.....then I say that i believe with enough research it may be possible to GE somebody after birth.... Of course, we will never actually know, if we continue to have leaders who cut science funding, in exchange for raising the defense budget 41% since they were in office(highest since reagan adminstration....of course there is a little fact that the reagan administration was preparing for a nuclear war with an opposing superpower.) I mean seriously, South korea has accomplished more than the US has in the field of genetics....
Bsuh is the first president to allow federal funding for stem cell research. Die in a fire. And dont pull that defense budget shit on me. The scientific research budget may have been decreased in terms of percent per year, but it recieves that money every year, whereas the defesne budget gets paid once, with permanent fixtures in place.
Scientific research spending: "We get X Billion dollars a year to fund ongoing research"
Military Budget: "We get X billion dollars once, buy all new equipment, weapons, etc, and then um... Well we're pretty much done for the next 10-15 years"[/quote:b357b]Don't make me laugh. You dont think that defense department has it's ongoing projects? LOL. And I assure you my friend, they are far better supplied/funded. And if anything, Bush has limited stem cell funding. Then again, stem cells is a fairly new field, I doubt they could do very much with it 6 or so years back anywho. Fast forward 6 years, singapore already has a ban on human cloning....Heh...makes you wonder what exactly happened doesn't it? Im not gonna get into an arguement about bush's policies in a eugenics topic. However, if you ever feel like arguing, pm me. Arguing with bush loving, bible thumping, crack pot conservatives is what I do best.[/quote:b357b]
I didnt say that the military didnt have onoing projects. As well as making ammunition and feeding and quartering and paying soldiers, they have research projects. But MOST of the military budget goes into making new, long term fixtures that only have to be replaced every decade or so.
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Default 04-24-2006, 06:08 PM

from studying the third reich in uni...i was very fascinated by the stuff about eugenics.

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Default 04-24-2006, 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by Trunks
Arguing with bush loving, bible thumping, crack pot conservatives is what I do best.
Do you always precede your "arguments" with stereotypes and insults?

Ontopic, think if Hitler actually had all the RTCW monsters and such in a basement of some fortress somewhere
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