Tonight I got an extra special bonus in my cola. ... atpoo1.jpg
Looks like rat poo to me.
I sucked it up through my straw (unknowingly of course) and spat this thing out.
It didn't taste like poo. It doesn't smell like poo. But it sure looks like poo!!
I won't say where I bought the cola from just yet. I'll let you guess for now.
We have phoned the establishment already. A manager called us back offering a VIP card or some petty thing. They're going to phone us back again tomorrow to discuss the matter more.
I still can't get the feeling out of my head. That little rat poo, the size of a pea, rolling around in my mouth, touching my tongue, my teeth... YUCK! I almost barfed. I still might.
I won't catch anything or be poisoned, will I?