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This past weekend was a big heritage day in my town for Lebanese-Americans. The local Catholic Church runs a festival where they dance, play music, eat arabic food, etc and get immersed into the culture. I tried to find some pictures online but I came up empty-handed.
I do not look very arabic compared to the people there. I'm Syrian too (Syrians and Lebanese don't get along together at all, though). There were people running around with Hookas and smoking them while they were dancing to the arabic music. Then at one moment, they brought out these HUGE lebanese flags and they danced around with them. It was pretty cool.
I took my grandmother down to see it. Every year she would go with a big group of older friends and they'd laugh, speak arabic, enjoy the culture, and talk about their childhood and stuff. Ever since my grandfather passed away she hasn't gone down for 9 years. I felt so bad for her though. She was going around trying to find all of her friends, but she was realizing they all had passed away. She's pushing 86 now and she still walks around places. I saw in her eyes that she felt pretty lonely and stuff so I had to make it up to her and I went and did some arabic dancing with her. LOL you guys would have been laughing your asses off if you were there.
But my point with this thread is to see how everyone views the arabic culture. I'll tell you one thing, damn there are some hot Lebanese-American girls...and when they do their dances ed:. It's VERY suggestive and they move around their asses. It's great...they look like sluts yet they are all virgins happy: I really enjoyed the music though. I find that it sounds very interesting and i'd rather dance to that stuff than some of today's rap (yeah, i'll get flamed for saying that, but whatever). They all wear really nice clothing--brand name things all from France and other expensive designer companies. If you saw this whole celebration, I'm sure a lot of you would lighten up about the arabic culture and see that they do know how to have fun. Once you let go of your self-image, it can be very entertaining.