Im in the middle of a university assignment on DIRECTOR MX right now. Its alot easier than flash, IMO, but I dunno if I know enough to help anyone, I'm kind of fucked myself....and I need to pass this assignment to finish the course. loney:
if so, you might now if : if you give someone a cd made with director do they have to have any shit installed to run it ? flash player or any shit like that ?
if so, you might now if : if you give someone a cd made with director do they have to have any shit installed to run it ? flash player or any shit like that ?
Yeah, we're doing CD ROMs, I dont think they need anything in particular installed, I'm pretty sure about that too....
Director is out of date and being completely being phased out in the industry. I t is so out of fashion right now that they even dropped it from our program. (took it last year and hated it)