I'm pretty new to the online gaming community. I always thought that first person shooters were stupid(I was wrong).
But anyway when i first started playing online this game someone metioned that they had a bad FPS. I wondered what it was. Then someone else mentioned checking this site.
So i did. The first thing I did was do a search on FPS. I learned how to turn it on, and boy my FPS sucked. So i came back and did another search. I learned what to tweak to get better FPS. Mine is much better now not great, but good. And since then any other question about problems I've had with the game I have been able to find thru the search engine
So I just Like to thank ALLIEDASSAULT.COM and it's memebers. You've made my transition into to addictive world of the first person shooter pretty easy (i think my wife and kids moved out last week).
And also, in a lot of cases your questions can be answered by using the search engine