"so..ive decided..
you are going to teach
me how to do something.
okay?? haha
i will explain later..
but its something ive never
done before..annnd i dont
really want any of my friends to know
ive tried it..buut..you need to
teach me tonight, haha im curious.
call me!! ♥"
So I got this message from a girl and i have no idea Wtf shes talking about, im suppose to go to her party tonight...but its about an hour from where i live, so i dunno...Any guess on what that means? lolz
Why the fuck do you need advice? Obviously you're just trying to show us how much an e-master pimp you are. Chances are she's gonna crucify your dick anyway.
you go and see what she wants. if she says she wants you to have sex with her brother say no and leave. if she says she wants you to have sex with her and shes hot do it. if she is ugly, don't go.