I need help i can't even play the game, every time i try to open the game and press play i get this big long error message.
Please, please help me it is really annoying me.
-- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.00 win-x86 Dec 6 2001
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
D:MedalOfHonormainPak5.pk3 (259 files)
D:MedalOfHonormainPak4.pk3 (593 files)
D:MedalOfHonormainPak3.pk3 (669 files)
D:MedalOfHonormainPak2.pk3 (4722 files)
D:MedalOfHonormainPak1.pk3 (772 files)
D:MedalOfHonormainPak0.pk3 (11175 files)
------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
Couldn't set DI coop level
Falling back to Win32 mouse support...
------- Input Initialization Complete ------- 1198
You are now setup for easy mode.
----- Client Initialization -----
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:WINDOWSSYSTEMopengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using colorsbits of 16
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
...23 PFDs found
...GLW_ChoosePFD failed
...failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT
...restoring display settings
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
...assuming '3dfxvgl' is a standalone driver
...initializing QGL
...WARNING: missing Glide installation, assuming no 3Dfx available
...shutting down QGL
GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem
My brother is right - as always!!! - it's your graphics card!!! Www.OpenGL.com - get it there and you'll be straight!!! As straight as by brother - sometimes.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3lly_Sh0ck: My brother is right - as always!!! - it's your graphics card!!! Www.OpenGL.com - get it there and you'll be straight!!! As straight as by brother - sometimes. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ok you're not my brother, and that P2 nnkay has is going to struggle with this game.