I posted another string on something close to this 2 days ago & thought I had the answers... But I don't
I just installed Windows XP Pro
Installed MOH:AA & My mouse speed is all screwy....
let me explain: Originally I had a setting for my mouse checked that was "Enhanced Pointer Precision"....
This is for the Microsoft Explorer 3.0
I unchecked that & the speed picked up...
I also was told of the console command: "Sensitivity".... Where You can alter the speed of the mouse other than the default slide bar....
Did this & helped the speed also....
But here is where I am getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO freakin frustrated at.....
When strafing in ANY direction while turning the speed drops to pretty much nothing!!!!
This makes for a loosing combination!
Has anyone else had this problem?
And if so how did You fix it?
I have run out of options....
PLEASE HELP, I am having a lan party this weekend & I MUST have everything running smooth!!!
Bone's Heal, Pain Is Fleeting, Chick's Dig Scar's & Glory Is Forever