I'd just like to tell you all about a game that is currentley in development. Its called Z Day and it is a zombie FPS (first person shooter) the aim of the game is to survive. Most of the Zombies will be NPCs and it has a great potential!
Here is just some general information about the game taken straight from the official Z Day website:
Z Day is an Online 3D FPS Zombie Survival game (also known as a "MMOFPS").
Players are thrown into the centre of a post apocalypse city after a deadly virus outbreak has occurred. Furor city, once inhibited by the human race, now is home to thousands of blood thirsty infected humans on the prowl for any remaining survivors...
With the virus enhancing the physical abilities of the infected, players will be no match for them if playing alone. ZDay will require excellent teamwork, bravery and skill as players attempt to survive in the infected-filled city.
Players will have to work together to clear out buildings, search for supplies, barricade doorways and survive. Barricades can eventually be broken, so hiding in one building with little supplies will not turn out pretty in the end...
Players will also have an element of RPG **** gameplay as strength and hunger levels will be present. Strength reflects how much players can carry in an inventory and the speed in which they will be able to travel. Carry more - travel slower. Players will have to run the risk of leaving items behind or work as a team and share supplies amongst eachother....The possibilities are endless!
Just like any other human, hunger is an important stat players will have to keep a close eye on. Failure to keep energy at a suitable level will cause speed reductions and will impact the survival rate a player will have out on the streets. A slow and sluggish player is no match for a sprinting, hungry infected being.
Players who unfortunately get bitten by the infected will slowly notice the way their character behaves changes. Unless players can find and use an Anti-virus in time, players will slowly die and become a zombie themselves, and thus reverse the survival role placed upon them to cause mayhem across the city.
Use your survival instincts, build a survivors' base, form a search party to go out on supply runs for food, wood, anti-viruses, weapons, more survivors etc. Gather up, meet friends and work together for survival...Teamwork is a must...
Do you like the idea of a zombie survival game? Online? Z Day is exactly that, and more!
Here is a screen shot:
If your interested in Z Day the Website can be found at:
www.zdaygame.com and the forum at:
We at Z Day are eagerly waiting to hear your great ideas and suggestions! So what are you waiting for? Get involved now!
There are also Tester positions open, more information on the website.
I will update here on the progress of Z Day as it develops.
Z Day is currentley in Pre Alpha stages, and taking in ideas and suggestions.
Feel free to post your comments here.