with the KAR either apply to both. Aim toward their Knees when trying to shoot and move at same time and or if they are running aim lower than you shoot so you know you don't over shoot them. Also shoot just a bit in front of them, say he is moving left, just shoot a little more to the left of him, and like i said before lower at their knees if they are moving side to side.
With the M1 shoot in slower burst instead of going haywire with it and shooting 95mph take your time, Time the shot and make it count. (Note also apply to rifles just like KAR aim a bit in front of the person you are shooting)
Short Burst and fire in front of target. Not to far just enough that it hits them instead of going behind or infront of them.
Shoot it like a rifle at long range, just like M1. Or use it in short bursts at long range. Face to face, shoot out their guts :P.
just get close to a player and press fire.
Put up your ass and press fire. Rocketlauncher is for Lammers who suck at this game who have to use it to get a single kill. Beware rockets=boot out server.
There you have it all the weapons covered, Have fun