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DeadlyFire is Offline
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Default 04-01-2001, 11:15 AM

I the game far enough in developement since the levels are made to give out the sys req. I have a p2 350 with gforce 2. Also if you are going to be able to make levels with qeradiant will you also be albe to make coop leves? Keeping rockin you have the hotest title that will hit the market if sys req arent to high, remember pc sales are slakin.
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DeadlyFire is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 02:56 AM

I guess my question must not be important. I am just a dumb gamer thats buys atleast 10 min to 15 max pc titles a year my collection fills the closet.
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BadScript is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 05:34 AM

Well here's what I think (but I don't work @ 2015): Sys req. questions has been asked many times, and basically every different person has a different spec. on their box, so I guess let's just all wait for the min. spec to come out. Besides levels, there are a load of determining factors for the min spec, damage calculation, AI scripting, event scripting and handling, animations,(remember the chars were still?), etc etc.

Strictly in my opinion, you have a strange setup. A P-II 350 and a geforce2? Do you know that nvidia recommended a P-III or Athlon (k-7) class CPU for their Geforce2 class products? This game is based on a heavily modified Quake 3 engine and therefore I think it's time to upgrade your CPU.

Other than that, be patient. Unless you've been acting like a jackass, which you haven't, why would anyone ignore you on purpose? It's close to E3 and I think 2015 is working on a tight schedule... and a lot of stuffs are handled by EA and they can't tell unless EA wants them to anyway, you can't piss off your funding source now can you?

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CandyStraw is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 05:46 AM

Deadlyfire you have a shitty CPU and should upgrade before you whine like a cry baby!

Respect my authori-ath! At least I own a PC, muhahahhahahaa

"Unplug all electrical devices and come out with your servo-mitts in the air!"
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DeadlyFire is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 09:32 AM

All the levels are done most companies can give min way eailier. But I do agree with bad script. But if they say a 450 can run then they also have some idea.
As for you candy straw. Your remark has no thought in it what so ever. Some of the most played games are Still with the low sys requirements that you can play on a 166. Half life is the most online played shooter their is. Go try to find a Urban ops game your choices are slim, But if you want a rouge spear game. Well the system requirments are lower. So If my machine is crappy so is everyonelse. But to give you an honest awnser. I think that your machine was probably ill bought....To many nviadias still to come, you see they promise a new one every six months. Lets not forget the problems plaugeing the pentium 4 on the graphics side. And most of all lets not forget windows xe. So you will be short lived and more than likely game sales will drop. I dont need survey for this pc gamer has done that. Though the guys at pc gamer can afford to see something new, and in there reviews always slaming graphics kinda push it. When a game sales are low because of high sys req. they tell you. And to current date titles with high are doing poorley. No I dont need to update the bang for my buck is not their yet..I have however been at this many years and seen alot of trends. The true gamers are the ones to make a game suffer. Simply put they created the best advertising you could ever buy. And your die hards do not build machines for every new high sys requirment. So candystraw you have the attitude of a typical gamer that cheats and ruins our new games always crying camper and blameing your poor performance in a game due to some bug.
If the requirments are high no prob..will pick it up on the bargain rack, but by that time most people when they do upgrade will have to have a slow down patch and calling your machine crapy.
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Coriolis is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 09:32 AM

Most of the time, when we don't answer, it's because we don't know or we can't say.
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DeadlyFire is Offline
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Default 04-05-2001, 09:40 AM

I dont own a mac and never have cant get that off........This is not a arguementive post. I think the game looks great and hate ill temperd remarks. If continues I will ask host to remove topic. I just wanted a simple awnser to my question like the other sys req. that I seen awnsered.
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Coriolis is Offline
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Default 04-06-2001, 08:56 AM

DeadlyFire: it's hard to say how well your system will run the game. The guy with the GHz CPU, 512 MB ram, and GeForce2... that was an easy call.

But other posters are correct, your CPU is underpowered for that video card. It would be a good idea to upgrade your CPU if at all possible. You would not only get a better experience when playing MoH by being able to turn on more options, but you'd get better experiences in all the games you play, and you'll be able to play more of the newer games.
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MoH FrEak is Offline
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Default 04-06-2001, 09:16 AM

Could not have said it better my slef!!!!
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DeadlyFire is Offline
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Default 04-06-2001, 11:57 AM

Thanks for the awnser. I can see that it would be diffucult for you to say. The Game looks cool, The ideas are great. I really and truely hope the game does well. Then more companies will give us ww2 good ones. Not pay to play or the crap we been gettin. I see some true talent in the maps. And I have played every first person shooter their is about from the days of doom. No third person views though. I really like the uneaven streets. Still will people be able to make their own coop. Of late coop is more fun than capture the flag {thought I would never say that} or death match.
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