04-02-2001, 04:23 AM
Well i think it is kinda funny that my cpu is better than ur devolpment machine. This person i know told me that IMac's are widly used in field of computer graphics, now i know from friends that IMacs are horriable. I do not like them because they r compatable with nothing. But r they really used like that? so i just want a yes or no answer from a 2015 guy, will my MoH run fast on my cpu?
my computer specs....
Dell Demension 4100
p3 @ 1 gig
512 MB of SDRAM at 133MHz and 2 DIMMs
DVD ROM with sofware decoding
32MB DDR nVidia GeForce2 GTS 4x AGP graphics card (with this graphics card will the game look like it does in the screen shots?)
80 gig hard drive
tutle beach santa cruz sound card
Win. ME (Will MoH be designed for ME or 98?)