Actually, if you research this, back then because of the equipment they wore, when a guy got shot in the mid-section a dust-puff would spray out, not blood (the blood would get trapped in the clothing before it had a chance to spray out). The only time you'd see blood fly out is if he got shot in the exposed flesh areas, the head/throat, or a mist would briefly shoot out of the legs or other lighter clothed areas. Gore would only happen with high explosives, rocket rounds, or artillery/AA/tank rounds. A grenade would hurt someone, but wouldn't really take a body part off unless the guy jumped on it or was enclosed around it somehow (grenades are lethal by their fragmentation, not their concusive force).
Check this out on Saving Private Ryan. Look whenever a guy gets shot in the torso areas, a puff of dust comes off his clothing, not blood. For that movie they put in an extensive amount of research on this issue to be as accurate as possible.
Latuh fuh U,
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-regarding level designers