Well if it wasn't for Earl (Coriolis on here) we'd in the negatives IQ-wise (he alone keeps us up there

Well, alot of good info is available out there on the net. Go to a good search engine and just enter WWII and see what you get.
Any book by Stephen Ambrose is a great place to start as well. 'Citizen Soldiers' or 'D-Day', and there's a fairly large book he's got called 'American Heritage New History of World War II' with lots of great pics from the era, and has a lot of great info covering the whole span of the war.
A lot of the other books we have are specialty books. For instance we have a small book just on Tiger tanks, one on combat aircraft of WWII, lots of books covering uniforms (there's a series called the Osprey Series by Concord Publishing that covers uniforms of all different kinds of troops across all of history, they've got some great stuff). We also have several books on German bunkers, U-Boat pens and submarines, Artillery pieces, etc.... Jeff, one of our artists here, is like the king of digging up the obscure stuff. I swear he can hunt down a link on the web, or a book on the hardest to find stuff

. He's got a ton of books he's bought for his own personal collection just on WWII that we've all used.
Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers