Technical - graphics card nightmare -
08-13-2002, 07:25 AM
Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask for help.
A friend of mine has a laptop he is trying to run MOHAA on. It has an ATI Rage Mobility M1 or something like that for a graphics card - the error that comes up when he tries to run it is something about multitexturing.
Does anyone know if it is possible to run the game on this graphics card, with new drivers or something?
If anyone could help that would be brilliant - if there is anywhere else I should have gone to ask instead it'd be great if you could let me know.
Again, I don't know. Do you think he needs to download new drivers to get it working?
Or rather, does having the latest drivers prevent the 'multitexturing' error from appearing do you think, or could that be because of a lack of memory on the card?
Chances are that he doesn't have a seperate video card in his laptop. Laptops that have a seperate video card are around 3000.00. I have a new Compaq Presario and it has onboard video. It came preset at 16 mb. If you go into the bios when you first boot up you can change the video to 32 or maybe 64 if you have an expensive laptop. MOHAA plays farely well on my compaq but you have to have the resolution and settings turned way down. Keep in mind that increasing the video takes away from your total amount of ram. If his laptop doesn't have at least 256 mb of ram this could also be a problem. Good luck.
id rather use a brick....nothing says lovin like a brick in the back of the head.....u want a soda? water? juice? or you gonna get your camel-core on....