[quote="RkS Dark Progression":d3e63]I think it depends on what side u are, i think its easier to kill pople if ur on axis![/quote:d3e63]
took the words out of my mouth!
of course it would be easyier to kill people on Allie becuase the Axis had the Tatical advantage of the beach and they were more renforced with moters and heavy artillery pluss they had those pill boxes in the cliffs with M60 in them.
well well that should shut ne up!!! dont think so though u said u fired them both when u do this where and tell me wich has mor fire power as far as i no its the m60 am i right cry: oOo:
i have fought in all wars since WWI (we didnt know there was going to be a second one then so we just called it WW) so I know all about the guns and the sounds and the bullets and the shooting.
sorry to say but the mg43 was an Xwep never came out but thay say it hade beter hit rate but never came out!!!
info on m60 7.62 mm -at 23 pounds this gun was designed as a tripod mounted three man operation.
sorry no info on the mg42!!!!!