I have a few friends that cannot get a cable connection because they live in rural areas. Is there anything that can be done with their limited connections that would allow them to play moh or anyother game without causing lag? If anybody has any ideas on this topic please respond.
There are different connection types other than Cable. ISDN, xDSL (x in place of which type of DSL), Satellite, which are more readily available then Cable, or pvt_hz suggested, set up a LAN and get them to meet up with you at whoevers house and play that way.
If they're unable to get any type of high-speed connection, one thing they can do is download a program from http://www.download.com called iSpeed. This actually enhances the registry settings for windows to allow you to get the most out of your connection. It won't boost it by that much, but every little bit helps.
Back in my dark days of 56K, I routinely got pings over 300. I did some searching on the web for "modem speed increase" and found some helpful websites. I did some tweaking, and dropped my pings 50-70ms. It doesn't sound like much, but every little bit helps. After the tweaks, I could find servers down to 240ms, and could play at a steady 250-270. That's certainly much better that 350.