...yes Von, and when you're travelling in this wide, brown land of ours,
there's two words you should always remember.....be ware................[img]http://www.sector101.fsnet.co.uk/yahoo/smileys/22.gif[/img]
You were feeding the crocodiles live cats.
Feral cats, it's an important distinction. Look, I've got a show to put on. 11.00 and 2.00 daily I've got paid customers holding handi-cams waiting for a croc to leap out of the water. You can dangle all the frozen chooks you like but if your saltie's a fussy eater it's gonna take something a little more appealing to get her out of the pond. Full stop, end of story.
Never go bush without a copy of my latest travel guide, "Outback Survival". Not only are there heaps of valuable tips, it's flammable if you need to get a fire going, edible if you run out of food and should nature call, Chapter 7 is printed on extra-soft paper.