Well, well, well
what do we have here..
Ah.. A new map soon to be released.
Oh.. but wait fokes.. The name of the map has changed
The map will no longer carry the THUNDER name.
Sorry, but thats just how it is..
The new map name is
"Eye of the Needle"
And I have some goodie screenshots for you all..
I have 7 posted up on my site.
But first.. heres a taste of what the maps design is layed to be.
Allied and Axis sides are seperated by a bridge.
You all wanted more bridge maps.. well you got it.
We have rain, we have slight fog.
Splashing waves.. and the cool part........
A light house to set the backdrop of the map.
The Axis base includes 4 bunkers, trenches that surround the lighthouse. and 2 positioned MG42's. and some destroyed buildings of course.
Allied side in destroyed town with.. get this.. Foxholes!!
also included are some MG42's.
The bridge has a halfway point arch with roof access.
The first of the series released will be the Team Death Match version.
After which will come Objective, and Push.
And once i get scripting correct. A single player version. But the maps size will have increased give people more bang for the buck.
Map is currently about 80% complete. Allied side needs it finishing layout. and then final triming and obsticals will be placed.
Without further delay.
Heres a link to the Screens.
Oh by the way. I will need beta testing done. give a post reply or send over an e-mail
portervj@yahoo.com and ill add you to the list of who i have.