Forum: MoH General Discussion
11-11-2002, 04:08 PM
Replies: 42
Views: 89
Forum: MoH General Discussion
11-05-2002, 06:47 PM
Replies: 30
Views: 157
going to get a new power supply not just for my...
going to get a new power supply not just for my geforce4, but for my whole sytem. Hopefully that will solve my problem, but if not im getting it so my psu doesnt burn up. Also does anyone kno what...
Forum: MoH General Discussion
11-04-2002, 10:15 AM
Replies: 30
Views: 157
Forum: MoH General Discussion
11-03-2002, 10:40 PM
Replies: 30
Views: 157
Forum: MoH General Discussion
11-03-2002, 03:58 AM
Replies: 30
Views: 157
Help! Low framrates even with my new geforce 4!
I have recently purchased a geforce 4 ti 4600 and to my surprise im getting a 20-40 fps in mohaa most of the time. Yes it will go to 50-90 but only in closed hallways and stuff. I have all the...
Forum: MoH General Discussion
10-22-2002, 12:21 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 34
Back again
Hey i first bought the game when it first came out and i had lots of fun playing it, but i got into other games and it kinda got placed in the back of all my games i play. I was thinking of getting...