I wouldn't mind if it was delayed. This way I could have time to play Operation Flashpoint, IL-2 Sturmovik, Commandos 2, the Diablo 2 expansion, and the Red Alert 2 expansion.
Hans, I have been waiting for TF2 since they first mentioned it and I am still anticipating the sucker. I have trust in Valve so I will let them do whatever but they will come out with a masterpiece when it is ready. At this point, I don't care when any games come out, Just as long as it does! I am also hoping for Operation Flashpoint.
"Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin, I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake!"
- General George S. Patton, Jr (addressing to his troops before Operation Overlord, June 5, 1944)