Soccer - non-stop running, YES there is contact and plenty of it. Goalie has to have more balls than any football player. Played with the Mexicans in the park! (Seriously).
Football - Contact, with pads, but plenty of chances for injuries. Only time it really hurts is when you land wrong. Even a loud hit doesnt hurt unless hit in the balls. I played football as well, played for the Canton McKinley Bulldogs in 96-98. We were the USA Today National Champs in 97, and State Champs in 98. I may be a bit biased about how it hurts, since bascally we did the ass kicking, and never got our ass kicked. The first year I played with them, I was pretty scared during practice going up against Jamar Martin, Mike Doss, and Kenny Peterson.
[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":1164d]PS: The Yankees dont suck, check the part in their bio that says "Most won World Series Trophys"[/quote:1164d]That my point. I'm sick of the Yankee's winnning everything. Someone's got to care about the Detroit Tigers.
1: Shes flat as a board 2: Shes a runner 3: I've been with her before, and it smells, literaly 4: She has an older brother that would shit down my throat 5: Its not my type
6: Your my type oOo: Um, ooops
LOL you need the pads. lets see you go helmate to helmate and walk away like nothing happened. football is harder its man on man for lineman pushing someone around is most definatly harder than running and kicking a ball and hoping your jimmy doesnt get wedged inbetween 2 pairs of cleats
you should maybe checkout a game of rugby union sometime.
same contact as us footabll minus the padding/helmets.
no 78 spare guys sitting on the sideline.
if a tackle goes to ground and 10 guys pile on the game keeps going until the ball comes out.