Originally Posted by vVolf
Hmm, i found something [url=http://www.massassi.net/articles/jkvideo/:9249f]here[/url:9249f]. Apparently you need a program called 'Bulent's Screen Recorder'. But the link on that website is broken, so i'll have to give you the d/l link [url=http://www.tucows.com/mmedia/preview/195050.html:9249f]here[/url:9249f]. freak:
Holy crap, Massassi.net! I haven't been there since I stopped playing JK, heh.
Anyways, besides what Wolf said, you can't really record a demo. Here's your options:
1) Buy a TV-Tuner card, and hook up your PC to your TV, then record it to a VHS/DV tape.
2) Get a proggie like FRAPS (
http://www.fraps.com) to take rapid screenshots for you, then take those SS's, and convert them to an animated .GIF using another proggie, like Paint Shop Pro (
http://www.jasc.com). Only downside to this is no sound.
3) Try what Wolf said.