Originally Posted by Matrf
Hi all .
Anyone know how many bandwith(in gig) a 14 players server for mohaa will need each monhts? (an average)
Anyone know how the master know if the server is in usa or canada? It is by the the OS or by the route the server take to the server?
Anyone know what is the minimal CPU and RAM needed to run a 14 players server dedicated?
thanks all for the info.
T1 or T3 atleast, maybe 15,000kps 1 Gig or over DDR Ram, 40 GB Hard Drive 7200RPM and or faster, you might want two cpu's for best performance since if the first one if mainly handly everything then it goes out or something and or starts lagging the second one can kick in

or the new p4 @ 3.06GhZ