I run a AMD Athlon XP 1600+ with 512MB ram and Hercules 3D prophet. Obviously something in my drivers is wrong or something cause people with 128 MB ram and a 1 gig P. get better FPS then me, and they run in same res.
I got all the detail cranked to max and res. is 1024x768, and it runs pretty much like a dream (or a nightmare for whoever is on the other side of my thompson) however as soon as I shoot smoke emits and my FPS drops into the red, I tried putting detail down to medium in effects but it doesn't seem to help, I don't have volumetric smoke on. Does the effects setting affect the smoke and why does it slow me down that much, does any1 else have problems with it??
Anyway, the SP demo just finished and I'm off to play it!
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill