Originally Posted by Tiwaz
My guess is starting MoHAA will slow down.
If you do not have a lot of RAM, performance might drop. Because Windows will start using the relatively slow virtual memory on your harddrive if it runs out of RAM.
The last statement there, whilst undoubtedly true, doesn't really reply to the original question.
Perhaps I have misunderstood it but he's asking if having lots of maps loaded into your main folder will slow MoH down during play? The answer is no, so far as I can fathom.
The pk3 files are all accessed as MoH starts, but they are not loaded into RAM until the map is accessed via a game.
If you have low RAM this will surely affect performance and also will slow loading times (MoH remembers a lot of info if you have a lot of RAM, even after you close MoH, until it's over-written by another program). But having lots of maps loaded shouldn't slow gameplay down at all (unless you have filled your Hard Drive up too much with them, in which case it might impact Virtual Memory Access).