04-04-2003, 04:26 PM
Yea, the map names need to be correct and also the prefix of the type of map. For example, dm/mohdm1 to play the TDM map Southern France. If it were objective it would be something like obj/obj_team1. For custom maps you'd first need the correct custom map name as MOH would see it. Best way to do this is type "maplist" into the console, then double click on the gametype directory to find your map's name. The directory is the same thing as the prefix, so if your TDM map was Thunder, then it would probably be something like "dm/thunder". If it were the objective Market Garden, it would be something like "obj/maromg" or something like that (I don't remember the exact names by heart, so you'll have to double check those names).
Hope that helps.