spawning in multiplayer, animation dont work -
08-26-2003, 05:31 PM
when i spawn a human player like
spawn models/humans/german_elite_sentry.tik
in console
a german ai spawns and he just sits there and yells, and doesnt move around like they do Singleplayer
if you open the console and look
it says things like
Script Error: unknown animation 'rifle_stand_alert_legs' in 'models/human/german_elite_sentry.tik'
self setmotionanim (self.weapongroup + "_stand_alert_legs") (anim/aim.src, 29)
self ^
im aware that maybe something might not be pathed right so the ai can move properly in multiplayer, like in /anim/ folder or german_elite_sentry.tik , but thats about all i know for getting this to work, if u throw a gernade at him, he will duck, which IS a animation, i dont know why that gernade dodge animation works, and the rest like WALKING and SHOOTING don't...
I might be wrong here, but all you're doing is adding a model of a soldier to the game, with no script attached. Therefore, it's just like a tree or building; they're seen but cannot do anything. Like I said, may be wrong though. JV_16 would know about this.