MOHAA just will not start eror message (default config) -
08-28-2003, 06:44 AM
After being adviced to do a clean install,which i have twice patched and crack install,now when i try to start MOHAA i get the console coming up with the message "--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.11 win-x86 Mar 5 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
0 files in pk3 files
Couldn't load default.cfg
PLEASE CAN YOU GUYS HELP.step by step if poss im not that great of a user but will follow the instruction exact ,as ive tried everything.
ive done the full clean install,is there something i can do to get this top game working ,i have the demo which runs perfect and my pc is fast enough,ive updated drivers and graphics are fine . Running gta3 with no problems but MOHAA is the 1 to play please help.......cheers