This was the idiot that spammed the shit outta the interplay klingon academy forums moaning whining and bitching throughout my year long stay there. So hows it hanging mamo?

. Still bitching at ron hodge and the rest of the ex interplay guys? And yes my name there was the same as it is here.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MamoVaka:
I swear to god I am at my wits end here. I have people with lesser systems than mine reporting good fps (45+) while I am sitting at 17 fps wtf is going on?!
I got a amd xp1900+ 512 ddr geforce 3 ti500 wtf is with this game??!?! every other game glides on my pc this one is so poor it ruins the fun for me!
And dont mention lowering details if people with slower machines can do it then by god so should I..
Does anyone know WHO I can CONTACT or ANTHING about this at all???
MamoVaka www.suckatana.com <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
nVidiot: Human being brainwashed by false statements and propaganda from nVidia Corp. into believing all things GeForce are of the highest of superiority and defy all logical grounds of video cardness. Belief in 3Dmark2001 Benchmark scores regardless of quality, functionability, and compatability is a common worship and religion of these fundamentalists. However do not take these poor souls lightly they are armmed heavily with propeganda, false statements, DetonatorXPs, and GeForces. Remember nVidiots come in all shapes and sizes. Be on guard or you will be assimilated.
See also: stupid, moron, idiot
If an Irishman wants to speak to his equal he speaks to god
[This message has been edited by Gerard (edited January 25, 2002).]