Yes I do smoke but I don't smoke in public. I have respect for people around me who don't like the smell of it so I smoke out on my balcony. Not in my car, or apt b/c I don't like the smell of my furniture and my car interior smelling like smoke. That and another good reason is my g/f will kick my head in.
This is how I see it. If you want to smoke, go ahead and do it. But, as you are struggling for your last breath many years down the road, don't come crying to me for help. I'll just toss you a pack of smokes and tell you to enjoy the consequences of your actions.
I once had a patient in the hospital who after years of hardliving and health problems became a quad amputee ( no arms or legs for the dense). He wanted everyone that came into his room to "smoke him". hellfire: Sad actually, the only thing that still brought him pleasure: he couldn't do for himself and people got tired of smoking him.