Correct me if I'm wrong.
What you're saying is that you have 3 computers on a LAN, and one computer connects directly to the internet. The other 2 computers can connect to the internet THROUGH the other computer.
If THATS the case, the following is true.
You cannot host a game on one of the client machines (a machine that connects through another machine.) and expect internet people to join it. However, other people on your LAN can join it.
If you are on a client computer and wish to use gamespy to CONNECT to a server, then you should have no problems. If this is the case, answer the following questions:
1. Is there any firewall software running on the host machine (the machine connected to the internet.)
2. What do you use to share the internet connection? If you are using standard internet connection sharing that comes with Win98SE, WinME, WinXP, and Win2k, you should have no firewall problems.
3. If you use the host machine as an internet PROXY, you will not be able to use gamespy without setting additional settings. I don't even know if gamespy supports this.
4. If you can't get to the internet with the 2 client machines, then you won't be able to use Gamespy. Make sure everything is connected properly and that all the settings are right to allow internet connection sharing... or buy a cable/DSL router (if you have cable/DSL.)
Hope this helps ya out.