No Sounds in map that I made plz HELP -
11-04-2003, 09:34 PM
fire2: I've made a map for MOHAA compiled it loaded up game then went to console typed devmap mymap (mymap is of cause what i've just called it for now) the game & map loaded but I got no sounds, like gun fire nades reloads walking. can some one plz help me. so I can get sound working. do I have to make a script to make them work if so how do I do it. or what a good site that shows me step by step to do it.
If the map is for MOH:AA it should be in the main folder. If the map is for Spearhead place it in the mainta folder. Breakthrough maps go in the maintt.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
it is all caused by the ubersound and uberdialogue files. you need to add your map name to whatever sounds aren't playing. you can see the erros in the console while ythe map is running
what hallowed said is true. any map named test_... bypasses this problem. the only side effect that sucks with this is that then EVERY sound will load with your map, which makes the map load a lot longer (but good for testing. hence test_...)