Originally Posted by Slyk
Uber_Soldat: nice map. I played around in the beta a bit. Couple questions:
- Did you use VIS groups?
- I had some areas with ok FPS while just running around, but with a full server I'd worry about them. VIS and a shorter far_plane would help maybe.
A couple suggestions:
- wire obstacles or something to block off moving into the 'instant death' triggers you have. I just found that to be frustrating that for no reason I just died by crossing into some invisible zone. Would 'feel' better to me.
- a little more cover on the river banks, even if it's just bushes or a few crates around.
- a couple z-fighting problems in the bunker mg windows.
- soften the lighting level a bit for the red lights, may cut down on some of the bleed through around the door frames, etc.
The glider are top notch! I love the house details. The bridge is awesome! Nice to see some guys put a LOT of time into a map to make it look, feel and run great. Good job, and PLEASE, finish it off. It'll show.
So far there arent any leafgroups, and not really many places to use them anyway. for the final release ill try and use some though. The farplane is already brought as close as it can be, it was more than what it is now, but if it was left like that then you could see the edge of the map. as it is now, you can just about see the cafe and farmhouse windows from the allied trenches, if its any nearer then those wont have much use.
The map is supposed to be as close to the real thing as possible. ive noticed the sniper trigger thing is a bit fast, so ill change the speed of it later, so theres more delay between someone shouting 'sniper' and the player being killed.
i know about the z-fighting in the bunkers, shadow caulk should be able to stop that, and the z-fighting should be fixed for the final version aswell.
btw, nothing in this is based off the cod version. this was started over a year ago, before cod was even started. this is also supposed to be as close to the real thing as possible, the cod one isnt and is changed for gameplay.