01-29-2002, 10:57 AM
I love it. Won't play the normal settings anymore.
Realistic: you can take someone out of action with one round from a rifle fired from less than 100 yds away. Hmmm. Sounds just like real life to me.
Normal: you can shoot someone 8 times with steel jacketed M-1 bullets and you will not take them out of action unless you hit them in the head or neck. ZZzzzzz
Realistic: The Thompson and Schmisser smgs are actually dangerous weapons that can seriously wounded or kill someone without having to empty a clip into them.
Normal: Zzzzzzzzzz
Realistic: The BAR weighs a lot more than the rifle or the Thompson. Ditto the big-ass, rapid fire German counterpart.
Normal: Weeeee, 20 guys running around like maniacs with heavy automatics weighing nothing. Hmmm seems a lot like Quake.
I believe the German stem grenade IS heavy on the concussion and light on the fragments and the american the othe way around. I mean I think the game literature claims that to be the case.
However I think the physics is a bit daft. Yes, strong guys could toss grenades a good ways and the german stem design allowed it to be a very effective missle. But I HIGHLY doubt either nade could travel as far as they do in the game AFTER they have hit the ground or a wall etc, they were pretty heavy and once they came into a solid mass with a thud most of their energy would be wasted and they would fall and roll some but not like the tennis balls we have in the game now.