So, I have a AMD 1600 XP with 512 and a Geforce 2 TI (64 DDR), and I've been playing MOHAA at 1024x768 (32 bit color) with everything cranked up to full and 2x hardware AA. Up until mission 6 (the snow level) - everything ran silky smooth (even Normandy). On mission 6 though - I can barely get it to run at 800x600 with everything set to about medium (32 bbp). At 16 bit it runs really well at 1024, but the trees go all wacky (lots of strange breakup and shit like that). Anyway, anyone run into this? Did you fix it?
Yeah, between the facts that the enemy can see you perfectly through the trees and how it's easily the choppiest mission for me, I'm having a lot of trouble with it.
same here, some spots i could stand still and my fps would be in the red, but other times it would reach 25 and 30 . all other maps i get 40 and 50+ everything maxed simple shadows
Take a look up when on that level. You will see why it's so choppy; so many polygons in the branches per tree. They should have just left out the branches, and added a layer of fog, so it appears the trees are very tall. It would boost performance, and also, no one really looks up there...
Im not even sure the branches are made out of polygons.. Arnt they just 2D texture maps? If they were poly's they wouldn't have to be that big anyway..
[This message has been edited by TheBlazer (edited January 30, 2002).]