Canon Fodder.
Yes Omaha beach scenario is pretty accurate as far as the look and feel but ofcourse you can't be as accurate in a game as in real life.Some of the open streches on Omaha were close to 200-400yrds wide so plenty of oppertunity for the Germans to pick the US soldiers off.
But the look and feel is pretty accurate for a game.
I for 1 would not like 1 bit to have been a allied soldier storming the beach on June 6th,1944
Those men who did I hold the deepest respect for,For they achived something that probably will never be replicated again in history!
I myself probably would have started digging to china and try to come up behind the Germans but ofcourse we all know that wouldn't be possible.
Plus if Hitler would have released the Panzer divs sooner the allies probably would have been pushed back into the sea!
Grow up bud and learn your history and don't spout BS when you have no clue as to what you say!!!!!
You feel like dying today don't ya?!
[This message has been edited by Dasher (edited February 01, 2002).]