Damn, I had to go all the way back to the 6.50 Det to find a readme.. Wonder why they don't include it anymore.. :
Here's a snippet from it.. In detail..
Windows 98
To prepare for installation of the drivers
1 Start Microsoft Windows 98.
2 Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
3 Double-click Display, and click the Settings tab.
4 Click Advanced, click the Adapter tab, then click Change.
5 Click Next, click Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so
you can select the driver you want, then click Next.
6 Select Show all Hardware button, then select the Standard display types from
the Manufacturers list.
7 Select Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA) from the list, then select Next.
8 Click Next to install the driver, then click Finish.
9 Click Apply, then click Close.
10 Click Yes when Windows asks if you wish to restart the computer.
To install the drivers
1 Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
2 Double-click Display, and click the Settings tab.
3 Click Advanced, click the Adapter tab, then click Change.
4 Click Next, click Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so
you can select the driver you want, then click Next.
5 Click Have Disk, select or type the path to the folder containing the driver
files, then click OK.
Windows should find files for your NVIDIA graphics chip. If Windows cannot
find the files, check that the path name for the driver files is correct.
6 If Windows found the files, click OK, then click Next.
Windows copies the files to the hard disk.
7 Click Finish, click Apply, then click Close.
8 Click Yes when Windows asks if you wish to restart the computer.
Hope that helps..