Here are some rules I drafted up...
There are 2 teams, Defender and Aggressor.
The Defender maintains a vital objective or position for points. The Aggressor must take over the objective by defeating the Defender and securing control points.
One CP
The control over the point must be maintained more than 5 seconds before it is considered secure. (This prevents people on suicide missions, just running across the CP only to get grated by bullets. A tactic used just to get people in the spawning points…LAME.) This makes sure that the point is truly secure. After that time, the objective will have been obtained and the corresponding team will begin to spawn in defensive spawning points. The displaced team will spawn from aggressor points “across” the map.
Multiple CPs
In this case all CPs would have to be maintained for 5 seconds before objective was maintained. Making it harder for the aggressor. If any one of the CPs are not under defender control, the objective will be considered contested, and the defender does not get points for holding the objective. (Though they do maintain spawning privileges.)
[I guess it can be mixed, depending on the level.]
There is no individual scoring. A Kill Vs. Death ration will be maintained, where your average will mix with the rest of the teams’ average to decide game points.
[There use to be a system that Quake CTF had that would give you points for assists and defending you buddies, if this could be implemented, then this would serve as Individual score.]
Points would be based on:
Obtaining Objective
10 points
[Considering it costs twice as much to attack as it does to defend, there should be some reward in displacing the defenders and getting your goal.]
Time Held for Objective
1 point a minute (5pt. bonus for every 10 consecutive minutes held.)
NOTE: There will be NO points awarded for Time Held unless all the CPs are held and Objective is secure. If there is a CP un-secure then the objective is contested and the counter stops.
Total Team Kills Vs Deaths
Double the team ratio will be added to the score. Decimals will be rounded to nearest whole.
3 to 1 = 6 pts
4.31 to 1 = 8pts
Any team receiving more total deaths than kills will not receive a score.
There may be two ways of winning. [Server Set]
The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. 15-45 minutes.
The first team to reach a certain score wins the game.
The defending team start with control over the objective, witch means that they have a point advantage from the start. This is countered in 2 ways, a generous capture bonus, and playing the map again with beginning positions switched. At the end of the map, the total from both games will be averaged and a winner for the map will be declared.
Sniper Limit
5 Snipers per team MAX.
[This is the perfect platform for sniper whores…especially since this game makes any noob a sniper ace. (Hopefully they will change that) Lets say 32 players average game, 15 a side; 5 snipers, a full 1/3 of a team contingency, still fair I think, and still VERY effective if PROPPERLY placed. Maybe it should be 4.]
Rocket Limit
2 RocketMen per team MAX
[Same reason and ratio as for the snipers.]
[I do not think any other weapons should be subject to ratio or quota.]
Re-enforcement Timer
[Maximum 45 seconds per cycle. It allows for people to travel in groups more redily. This will also call for conservation of force tactics (i.e. conserving your life, and the life of your teammate.)
Spawn points only change if the objective changes hands. A contested objective will continue to spawn Defenders. Spawn changes will be marked by change of flags.
There will be 2 spawn areas for the Defender and 2 for the Aggressor.
Defenders will spawn within objective area, Aggressors, on opposite side.
Securing The Objective.
The banners or flags of the defending team will be displayed around the objective. This changing of flags signifies the change of possession of the objective as well as the change of spawning points.
Contested Objective
Objective timer will blink red and reset to zero.
[I have thought about the use of audio cues, such as a sound or song, but I think that would take away from the realistic feel of it…hearing parade music in the middle of a destroyed village or forrest. I think seeing the flags and where you spawn should be clue enough.]
Considering that it is easyer to defend than attack, there must be room for each team to take its turn.
The map is played twice, rotating positions
Each time, one team getting the defending position first.
[May get repetitive, but offers best fairness, rematch on equal terms, and no question as to who is better. Conditions change with level design, maybe too easy to defend one level, too hard to defend another. This is also a way to combat the score advantage the Defender has, by averaging the two games per rotation.]
[There are also issues that I have thought of like little wussies switching teams every round to get on a defending team. There must be a system to restrict team switching utill the map is changed.]
The aggressor has the chance to blow a hole in the defenders fortifications, if it can reach it. There will be one place per map that allows for the placement of explosives.
The explosives take 5 seconds to arm and 10 seconds to disarm.
The timer can be set from 10 to 30 seconds. [Server Sets]
The explosives blow a hole in the defenders defences that force them to regroup and change tactics.
This can be a double-edged sword, however. If the aggressor is successful and takes the objective from the defenders, then they must contend with the hole in their defences until the game ends.