As I said this was left out due to a technical limitation, not due to a lack of wanting it. We really wanted to put this option in, but it just wasn't feasible (unless you want the framerate to drop considerably when fighting a bunch of guys). You do the best with what you got. Game design is all about balancing your limitations with what you can get away with. We push this engine to it's limits, make it beg for us to stop, then we push it a little more. There has to be give and take, and not everything can make it into the game that we'd want to put in there. In this case we chose framerate over a tiny bullet hole in a guy that you'd probably never notice anyways. As for the blood, we've already gone over that 10000 times, it's not our descision.
Latuh fuh U,
"We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code."
-regarding level designers