Coheed is far as shit from emo my friend. Screamo is a fucking term that shitty mags like Revolver came up with. Grow up tough guy screamo is an uninformed persons word. You dont call hard rock "hock".
Coheed is far as shit from emo my friend. Screamo is a fucking term that shitty mags like Revolver came up with. Grow up tough guy screamo is an uninformed persons word. You dont call hard rock "hock".
Coheed and cambria = not emo?
What the fuck? Have you actually listened to their music or did you just buy their cd to be "scene"?
Calling Coheed emo is like calling AC/DC emo because they have emotion when they sing about getting wasted and fucking. Coheed is not emo last fucking time pal. They were almost hardcore back during turbine but now they're alittle bit more poppy.