I am trying to learn how to modify weapons (and eventually model), but I have come to hurdle I can't cross. I can open the pk3 and repack it (thats easy), but no matter what I modify in the .tik it doesn't show once I load a game and start playing.
1)Tried to modify starting ammo count (becuase I only get one clip.)
2)Tried to modify accuracy settings but nothing happens.
3)Tried to modify sounds on the weapon but no go.
Can someone give me some tips or maybe had the same problem and found a work around that they could share.
I also downloaded a PK3 manager that has the ability to modify pk3 files but it didnt help either.
more info. are you changing the right files for the weapons? what are you using to open the .tik files? etc....show us some of the stuff you've changed in the tik files here.
Alright, I renamed the pk3 to rar and extracted to a folder of the same name. Opening the folder I browsed to the weapon's tiki file (in this instance its thompsonsmg.tik). In attempted to alter the starting ammo in DM (because it only gives me 50 shots).
I also didnt like the wild bounce in the recoil and tried to modify it to be a little more calm (it drifted bad to the left in this upside down "L" shape.) I tired to modify this via the accuracy settings. The most I get is the skin becoming corrupt or the base tommy skin coming into effect.
Also, I repack the file using WinRAR and then rename the file back to .pk3.
Do you need anymore info.
-Just so I dont mislead anyone, the pk3 is someone elses (Locc, I think is the name). I like the skin just not it performance. I dont want credit, I just want the pk3 to be a little more efficient and I decided to use it to practice, with the hopes that one day I would script/skin my own.-
Thanks again for the help. I could post the contents of the tiki file and you could suggest what you would do.
Also, I repack the file using WinRAR and then rename the file back to .pk3.
This could be your problem as well.. You need PakScape, it works on the same basis of WinRAR and WinZIP except it is easier to see everything in each folder..
save your edited tik onto the desktop. open pakscape, click new. create a folder called models. in models create a folder called weapons. drag the tik into weapons and save in your main folder. open MOHAA, start a game and it should work.
you dont need to. its just that the game reads the files in backwards alphabetical order, so as long as you put anything that begins with a letter after p you are all set.