Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
12-30-2004, 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by "Jimbo@":5cb7d
If you look carefully you see a dead child as well.
Lower-left: I think I see a chicken ??[/quote:5cb7d]
you prompted me to look at it again, and at first i thought it was an animal too, perhaps a pig or small dog...but i think it may be an infant. in any case i dont plan on viewing it again, too disturbing
sheech, amazing what some sun and heat will do to a body ed:. I can only imagine how bad it smells there. When I was working at a hospital we had a 1 week old body come in and its all you could smell in the basement when they did the autopsy.
That is some disturbing shit. I can't imagine recovering those bodies to try to find family members. Thanks for posting, you've just encouraged me to make a donation to the relief effort.