Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
mein eye -
02-13-2005, 11:25 PM
so after a night of binge drinking/partrying on the north side of chicago last night...i woke up in my friends apartment and to my surprise i could hardly see out of my right eye. eek:
i have to go to work tommorrow, but im off tuesday, i hope it doesnt get worse. i will go to the optomotrist and get this shit checked out. i cant see the computer screen until i close my right eye. im like totally oOo: right now...i have no idea how or why it happened.
your friend probaly screwed you around while you were out man...this dude at my school man, put crack in his eye..i guess to try to get high like absorbing it through the eye or whatever...ya but he couldnt see well for a while.