great now how about a giant robot u can control with missles and all that other crap lol. that would be funney to see. fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: swordfight: swordfight: swordfight: swordfight: swordfight: M16: M16: M16: M16: M16:
As for the train model, I just used the carriage from the game, it 's not a static model, think that will do?
Let me know if you 're really planning on scripting the train so it stays on the track (the rails aren't totally finished though, I have to be sure you'll do it before I put more time in it)
PS: you think it 's possible to activate the train with a switch, so people have time to get in it before it starts it 's loop?
Please reply or let me know something asap.
Thx already
just wondering is it theoraticaly possible to create working Planes, Ships, Subs, Trains, etc.. Planes with working mgs, and rockets, etc w/ out extremely lagging the map?
Can you make a decent rope? -
09-08-2002, 09:34 AM
A climbable one, with at least a little bendiness as a patch, I've been trying so have others, anything realistic and preferable not necessarily vertical but slightly off say25/30 degrees.
Possibly if you can think how with a launcher to reach top of cliff.
Any Chance Some Of You Guys Could Make Me Some Building Prefabs Or Somethin In A .MAP file , like a V2 bunker ? anything !!! cuz im making a new clan map and i need help badly !!!
Make one train for allied and one for german
make it so only their side can use it
have it so other team can bomb the train
make an mg42 on top of it that you can get to
and make multiple cars and put the button in the main engine
Oh! and if you could can you make it fly also. ed:
why not have bolth the train loops next two each other on one side and have bolth trains stop next two each other than have the doors open on each train for a quick fire fight that would be sweet.
something like this
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
fire2: M16:
simpson, that would be so awsome for about 3 days. Afterwards, it would get boring. But, for those three days, it would be soo fun. i'd like to try it.