Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":5a8ad]i've heard that the 360 is somewhat faulty machinery compared to PS3, but don't own either so who knows.
Basically all PS3 needs to be competitive is games. Thats why they're losing... no more do they have PS-exclusive franchises like GTA, and games like Madden are now using the Xbox360 as the main console to port games from.
that has got to suck losing the GTA exclusive, i would only buy a PS3 if i could hack and play copied games biggrin:
are all PS3 games on Blu-ray disks?[/quote:5a8ad]
yeah sony makes all companies put their games on blu ray. i dont think the price cut will help sony too much. i read on 360 updates that komani isnt impressed with the price cut and isnt ruling out mgs4 for 360. i dont think ill buy a ps3....again till its under 400 and has more than 3 games i want to play. only game coming out for the ps3 only this year that i want is ratchet 5.