No matter what your height / weight, you have to follow a specific routine and
STICK WITH IT. That's easier said than done.
Now that we have that out of the way, we can proceed to discuss what kind
of training you could most benefit from; be it endurance, strength or a mix
of both, resistance.
The only differences between the three are the number of sets and reps
you would have to do, the weight you want to use for the exercises and
maybe even slightly different exercises altogether. I know this shouldn't
come as a surprise to you, but watch your nutrition: make sure you get
a high amount of protein, mid carb (aside from when you need the quick
energy boost) and mid fat. Get enough sleep and drink plenty of water.
Carbohydrates are fine, but if you take too much of them, you won't let
your body use up any other kind of nutrients: if you have a mid carb, mid
fat meal, your body will use up the carbs first, storing the fat. You do not
want that. On the other hand, if you eat a meal with little to no carbs and
mid fat, it will use up your own body's fat and take in the fat you just gave
it (just make sure it isn't bad fat - saturated fats suck ass). This is why
Atkin's Diet works. In any case, let's move on to the work-out plan...
You want to work out as follows: the reasoning behind it will be next.
Monday: Chest, Shoulders and Back
Wednesday: Legs
Friday: Arms, Trapezius and Abdominals
The reason for the unusual separation is simple but long to type. Let me
just put it this way: when you work out your chest, most of the effort comes
from your chest and a small bit comes from the shoulders (depending on
what kind of chest exercise you are doing) and even smaller from the tricep.
You COULD work out the shoulders and triceps that day as well, but why do
it when you've already used them a bit ? The shoulders could be placed on
wednesdays but your legs already take a long enough time to work out so
it really comes down to personal choice. When you work out your back, you
don't push; you pull. Therefore, no conflict exists between the chest/triceps
and the biceps/back. Your arms are given the entire rest of the week to
relax. The trapezius and abdominals can be exercised on different days as
well but I prefer doing the "miscellaneous" exercises on friday. The legs
needs no explanation...
For a list of exercises you can do for each muscle, consult
and also to visit a forum full of knowledgeable people.
Have fun!