Fast Run = Normal Run X 1.1 value... -
11-13-2002, 11:22 AM
// Fast Run Speed
// When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased.
// Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault's original run speed
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000
This is the line that change Normal Run to Fast Run....
It appears into server.cfg
So the admins launching Dedicated servers with executing this server.cfg inside...turn 1.1 into 1.0 value for Normal Default MoHAA speed...or maintain 1.1 value for Fast Run choice...
I hope u consider seriously put that number into 1.0 value...
About Spearhead...i really want only the engine from Q3...
For sure not the FEELING !!!