yo ive tested it a bit here is what i think:
- remove the sun...its so damn cloudy in your map...so a sun is a no-go if you ask me...
- make sure all your doors always ´open away´ from the player....most of them open the way TO the player..which decreases playability a bit... select your door and hinch and press ´n´ In the ´key´ field type: ´alwaysaway´ and in the open ´value´ field type: ´1´
Now make sure the angle of the door is set right:
check out
http://users.1st.net/kimberly/Tutorial/index.htm to find out how to do that.....or PM me
- make sure the doors have the right sound. Some metal doors have got the standard ´wooden door´ sound when opening them....thats not very realistic. Select your door and ´common´ hinch and press ´n´ Now in the open ´key´ field type: ´doortype´ and in the ´value´ field type: ´metal´ that should give the door a metal sound when opening it.
(You can also add ´wood´ or ´garage´ instead of ´metal´, but ´wood´ is not needed...cause mohradiant gives the doors a wooden sound automatically)
- I think you can work on the buildings...they look good cause they are broken, but they are not so cool qua design if you ask me....a bit too standard maybe?
- I would add some Turret guns in your map...the axis are to defend the bunker right??...well....they would use turrets if you ask me, i would happy: .
- maybe some more little details just to make the map look realistic...some crates...ammoboxes or so....you know what I mean. (I know its a beta version.....you would probably add more stuff without someone like me asking you to do it)
Thats it.....I think your map is quite cool...it has got trenches cool: , a background sound cool: , mountanious landscape cool: , indoor-outdoor combat (indoor might be a bit bigger) cool: , good FPS, and broken buildings cool: cool: , its not so damn big as some obj. maps are cool:. So you did a real good job m8.....must be because you are Dutch like me oOo:
Good luck on testing and improving the map!
Rakavolver (Dutch-ass)